Board Meetings

Board meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month (unless stated otherwise) at the Central Platte NRD office located at 215 Kaufman Avenue in Grand Island, NE 68803. Contact 308-385-6282 for details.

July 25 Board Meeting

Thursday, July 25, 2024
1:45 - Public Hearing on 2025 Budget    2:00 Board Meeting
CPNRD Office, 215 Kaufman Avenue  Grand Island NE

Central Platte NRD Board to Hold Public Hearing for 2025 Budget
The Central Platte Natural Resources District’s (CPNRD) Board of Directors will hold a public hearing to consider approving the 2025 fiscal budget of expenditures on Thursday, July 25, 2024. The proposed budget is $35,757,815 with an estimated tax of $5,316,196. The hearing will begin at 1:45 p.m., followed by the Board meeting at 2:00 p.m. Both will be held at the Central Platte NRD office, located at 215 Kaufman Avenue in Grand Island, Nebraska. The tax levy will be set at the August board meeting.


Kingsley Dam Presentation  Devin Brundage, General Manager of Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District, will present details on a project to repair the slope protection on the face of Kingsley Dam.

Building Committee  The Building Committee will discuss updates following the selection of Rogge General Contractors in June to construct the NRD’s new office and education center.

Eastern Projects Committee  The committee will discuss options for purchasing lots in the Ponderosa Lake Estates in Grand Island, which are located adjacent to the Wood River Flood Control Project levee.

Rules and Regulations  The Water Quality and Water Utilization committees will review proposed changes to the NRD’s Groundwater Management Rules and Regulations.

Manager’s Report  Lyndon Vogt, General Manager, will report.

Natural Resources Conservation Service Report  Joe Krolikowski, District Conservationist, and Carrie Thompson, Resource Conservationist of Lexington, will report.

Nebraska Association of Resources District  Deb VanMatre, CPNRD Representative, will report.

Nebraska Natural Resources Commission  Mick Reynolds, Middle Platte Basin Representative, will report.

Cost-Share  Applications through the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation and the Central Platte NRD cost-share programs will be considered.

Upcoming Board Meetings  August 29, September 26, October 24
Central Platte NRD’s Board of Directors meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. at the CPNRD office located at 215 Kaufman Ave in Grand Island.


Central Platte NRD Board Selects Rogge General Contractors to NRD Build Office/Education Center

GRAND ISLAND, NE – After nearly five years of planning, the Central Platte Natural Resources District’s (CPNRD) Board of Directors approved the low bid from Rogge General Contractors Inc. of Lincoln to build a new office with an education center at their monthly meeting on Thursday. The overall cost will be $13,473,000. The building will be located on the Prairie Silver Moores Flood Reduction Project site, northwest of Grand Island.

The Board received seven bids for the proposed building, ranging from $13.47 to $15.29 million. With the multi-year planning process, the NRD has funds available to begin construction, including nearly $4 million expected from other sources. The build time is expected to be 16-18 months.

The education center will offer both indoor and outdoor learning experiences, demonstrating the relationship between water, forests, grasslands, and soil. The outdoor sites will provide hands-on learning opportunities that complement topics presented at the indoor learning center. These sites will feature wetlands, walking trails, windbreaks, pollinator habitats, irrigation and crop demonstrations, monitoring wells, and other educational resources.

At the new facility, CPNRD plans to host workshops and training sessions for agricultural producers, groundwater technicians, well drillers, and students. These sessions will cover topics such as how to sample and test wells, use irrigation equipment, earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs), and explore new technology and research.

Southern Public Power District   The Board approved an Electric Power Service Agreement for $166,170.68 with Southern Public Power District to build the necessary interconnection facilities to supply electric power and energy to the approved building.


2025 Budget  The Board approved the 2025 Fiscal budget of expenditures to hold a public hearing at 1:45 p.m. on July 25, 2024, just before the Board of Directors July meeting. The proposed budget is $35,757,815 million with an estimated tax of $5,316,196.  A hearing to set the tax request and levy will be held on the same day as the August board meeting.

Groundwater Model Review Agreement  The Board approved an agreement with Black & Veatch for $34,917 to retain engineering services to assist with the COHYST Modflow 6 project model updates.

Water Strategies  The Board approved a rate increase for the monthly retainer of $1,500 for lobbying and federal representation services, effective July 1, 2024.

Nitrogen Program Violations  The Board approved filing Cease and Desist orders on 56 producers and landowners in Phases II or III of the Ground Water Quality Management Program who are not in compliance with the NRD’s rules and regulations. Tricia Dudley, Water Quality Specialist, explained that violations occur when producers fail to submit annual crop reports, do not provide required water and soil samples, or do not maintain their Nitrogen certification requirements.

Variance Request  The Board approved an appeal from a landowner in Merrick County to allow an acre-to-acre transfer to be finalized after September 1, 2024.

Manager’s Report  Lyndon Vogt, General Manager, reported on the following:

- Lobbying Fees - Membership dues paid and lobbying fees are available on CPNRD’s website at:

- WaterSmart Grants  CPNRD has received a WaterSMART grant in the amount of $95,542 to update checks and gates for irrigation efficiency on the Thirty-Mile Irrigation District canal through the Bureau of Reclamation’s Small-Scale Water Efficiency Grant. The remaining cost of the project will be covered by a 50% match from the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources.

Vogt mentioned that other grant applications are pending, including the Southside Irrigation District and Cozad Ditch Company Flow Measurement and Canal Efficiency Project for irrigation efficiency, submitted under the Water and Energy Efficiency Grant.

Additionally, the Flowmeter, Telemetry, and Data Management System Project, also submitted under the Water and Energy Efficiency Grant, aims to meter approximately 100 wells to support COHYST data on average annual irrigation amounts in the CPNRD. This application is also pending.

Eastern Projects Committee  The committee discussed two flood reduction easement issues in Grand Island. They are currently monitoring both situations and plan to provide a report in July.

Groundwater Levels  Luke Zakrzewski, GIS Image Analyst, reported that the spring 2024 static groundwater levels showed a District-wide accumulated loss of -1.26 feet compared to the baseline levels in 1982. The 1982 levels were established as the standard for the NRD’s Groundwater Management Plan, which includes maximum acceptable declines and a margin of safety calculated for each of the Groundwater Management Areas (GWMAs).

Since last spring, changes in the NRD’s 26 Groundwater Management Areas (GMAs) ranged from an increase of 2.39 feet in GMA 7A, attributed to precipitation gains in the western part of the District, to a decrease of 2.29 feet in GMA 17, due to drought conditions in the central and eastern areas.

Zakrzewski also provided an update on the Groundwater Monitoring Network. He reported that CPNRD staff reads 386 irrigation observation wells, including 65 dedicated monitoring wells, each spring and fall for the Groundwater Management Program, with an average of 405 wells assessed annually since 2000. Zakrzewski mentioned that the NRD will focus on adding new monitoring wells in GMAs 9B and 10 to improve data collection in areas where more readings are needed.

Tree Report   Kelly Cole, Administrative Assistant, reported that tree sales were up this spring with 37,900 trees and shrubs sold through the NRD Conservation Tree Program, bringing the total sales to 3,922,262 since 1973. CPNRD also sold 6.26 miles of fabric weed barrier this year, bringing the total to 629.19 miles since 1991.

Natural Resources Conservation Service Report  Joe Krolikowski, District Conservationist, reported that NRCS conducted the annual status reviews for potential wetland and/or highly erodible land issues across the state for the 2024 crop year. NRCS staff within the CPNRD completed 56 status reviews this year.

Nebraska Association of Resources District (NARD)  The Board approved a resolution to increase the employee contribution from 5.5% to 6.5% and the employer contribution from 6.0% to 7.0% for the NARD 414(h) plan, effective January 1, 2025.

Cost-Share  Two applications were approved for grazing deferment and well decommissioning, totaling $3,603, through the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation and Central Platte NRD cost-share programs.

Upcoming Board Meetings  July 25, August 29, September 26
Central Platte NRD’s Board of Directors meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. at the CPNRD office located at 215 Kaufman Ave in Grand Island.


Central Platte NRD Board Approves Longitude 103 Amendment for Water Management Software

GRAND ISLAND, NE – The Central Platte Natural Resources District’s (CPNRD) nitrogen management software program will be available online again for producers following the approval of an amendment with Longitude 103. At their monthly meeting on Thursday, the Board of Directors approved a $25,000 amendment with Longitude 103 to continue facilitating the transfer of existing nitrogen management and transfer tools from GWorks. This program allows producers to input data for the Nitrogen Management Crop Reports and receive recommendations on nitrate applications. Currently, 850 producers participate in CPNRD’s Nitrogen Management Program, submitting 4,700 reports annually. The data provided by the producers is used for the Groundwater Management Program.

Tricia Dudley, Water Quality Specialist, updated the Board on recent letters of intent sent to 105 producers out of compliance with the Program. These letters are the initial step in notifying producers and landowners in Phases II or III that they are in violation of the NRD’s Rules and Regulations. Violations occur when producers fail to submit annual crop reports or provide the required water and soil samples. The Board will issue Cease and desist orders next month to the landowners who do not resolve their violations.

The CPNRD Board meeting was held on Thursday, May 23rd at the Central Platte NRD office, located at 215 Kaufman Avenue in Grand Island, NE.


Platte Valley Industrial Park (PVIP)  The Board approved an amendment not to exceed $31,100 with Olsson to evaluate additional routes to evaluate and design an alternate ditch route along the north side of Schimmer Drive to South Locust Street and north to the drainage ditch for the Platte Valley Industrial Park in Grand Island. The new route design is expected to be completed within 90 days.

In 2019, the board approved a request from the City of Grand Island and Grand Island Area Economic Development Corporation to allow water to be diverted into the south side channel of the Wood River Flood Project to alleviate drainage issues at PVIP between South Locust Street and Hwy 281. In 2021, Olsson designed a drainage ditch from Wildwood Drive to Locust Street that included grading existing county road ditches from Blaine to Schimmer Drive, easements, and 36" storm sewer pipe was installed to drain into the south channel of the Wood River Project. Last year, an amendment was approved for easement acquisition and appraisal services to complete geotechnical services including a seepage analysis and an archaeological study on 15.6 acres. The $650,000 project cost will be shared by partners: CPNRD, Grand Island EDC and the City of Grand Island.

Building Committee  The Committee reviewed bids and discussed options for the proposed office and education center at the Prairie Silver Moores Flood Reduction Project, located northwest of Grand Island. The Committee’s recommendation is to consider the Rogge General Contractors Inc. base bid of $13,300,000 with the additions of Alternate #1 ($90,000), Alternate #5A ($86,000) and Alternate #5B ($67,000) and removing Alternate #4 (-$70,000) for a total $13,473,000. The Board will consider the Committee’s recommendation at its June 27th Board meeting.

Based on the schematic design and development plans, the building will be approximately 20,000 square feet on the main level, with a lower level of the same size. The education center will offer both indoor and outdoor learning experiences, with demonstrations on water, forestry, grasslands and soil. Outdoor sites will provide hands-on learning opportunities, including wetlands, walking trails, windbreaks, pollinator habitats, irrigation and crop demonstrations, monitoring wells and other features. The center would be open to the public and host workshops and training sessions for agricultural producers, groundwater technicians, well drillers and students. These sessions will cover topics such as water and soil sampling, testing wells, using irrigation equipment, earning Continuing Education Units (CEUs), and exploring new technology and research.

Manager’s Report  Lyndon Vogt, General Manager, reported the following:

Surface Water Memorandum  Vogt reported that CPNRD has signed the multi-year agreement allowing it to store water in Lake McConaughey as controllable water, which is added to the Environmental Account for use by the Platte River Program. This water helps the NRD meet its IMP goals. Additionally, any portion of the water not needed for compliance can be sold to the PRRIP to help them meet their water goals.

Instream Flow Review  CPNRD is currently advertising the review of instream flow appropriations granted to CPNRD in 1994 and previously reviewed in 2009. These water appropriations are instream flow appropriations on various reaches of the Platte River generally between Lexington and Columbus, Nebraska, for the maintenance of habitat for four bird species including the whooping crane (endangered), sandhill crane, least tern and piping plover (threatened).  The flows specified are either a factor in providing bird habitat in the Platte Valley or a factor in providing habitat for food sources consumed by the birds.

NRD Health Insurance  Nebraska Association of Resources District’s (NARD) Benefits Committee interviewed Mid-American Benefits, Blue Cross/Blue Shield and United Healthcare to administer the NRDs health insurance. The NARD Board will consider their recommendation at their next meeting.

Budget Committee  The Budget Committee reviewed proposed budgets from the Eastern Projects, Western Projects and Programs committees for FY 2025.

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)  Joe Krolikowski, District Conservationist, reported that 120 applications met eligibility for the FY 2024 Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funds in CPNRD, and 154 applications for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CStP) were preapproved for $18.5 million. He said the competition for these funds continues to be extremely high. Krolikowski also reported on the Pathways Internship Program. There will be 13 Pathways interns across the state this summer, including four to be placed in offices in the central area. Kylie Jerabek will work in NRCS’s Grand Island Field office.

Cost-Share  Two applications for grazing deferment and well decommissioning were approved through the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation and the Central Platte NRD cost-share programs totaling $3,603.

Upcoming Board Meetings  June 27, July 25, August 29
Central Platte NRD’s Board of Directors meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. at the CPNRD office located at 215 Kaufman Ave in Grand Island.


Visit Kearney Urban Conservation Assistance Request Approved by Central Platte NRD Board
The Central Platte Natural Resources District (CPNRD) Board of Directors has approved a grant request from Visit Kearney for $25,000 to support the development of a wildlife exhibit within the new Kearney Visitors Bureau office and visitor center. This funding is part of CPNRD’s Urban Conservation Assistance Program, which provides financial assistance to governmental entities—such as cities, counties, and villages—to establish, develop, and improve public recreation areas. The Kearney Visitors Center, currently under construction at the intersection of 11th Avenue and Talmadge Street, aims to educate visitors about the diverse natural environment and wildlife in Central Nebraska and Kearney. The newly approved project will offer visitors a unique experience to learn about cranes and local wildlife.

The Central Platte NRD Board approved this request and took the following actions during their April 25th monthly Board meeting.

Chelle Gillan, a Biology and Health Science teacher at Central City High School, brought two students to the Central Platte NRD Board meeting to present their research projects. Paul Johnson, a sophomore, presented his study titled, “A Study to Determine Correlation between Nitrates and Uranium in Central Nebraska Rural Wells.” His research explores the correlation between nitrate and uranium levels in rural wells across Central Nebraska, highlighting significant environmental and public health concerns. Dakota Sage, a junior, shared her research on “The Effects of Clothianidin on the Immobility & Mortality of Daphnia Magna.” Her project examined the impact of an insecticide on aquatic life.


Manager’s Report  Lyndon Vogt, General Manager, reported on two staff positions. Carrie Putnam has been hired as the Integrated Water Management Specialist to assist producers with the conservation programs available in both the Tri-Basin NRD and the Central Platte NRD. She will be based at the Tri-Basin NRD office in Holdrege. This position is funded through a grant. CPNRD is still seeking candidates to fill the Agronomist position. It is a 3-year grant-funded position, shared with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). The position focuses on gathering data to support federal cropping models and assisting producers with managing high residual nitrogen rates.

Alda Crane Deck Vogt reported that rehabilitation of the Alda Crane Deck and the construction of the walking path are on track to be completed in June. He also said that LB 388, the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act, failed to pass on final reading on the 60th day, the last day of the session. Vogt also provided the following documents to the Board:

Conflict of Interest:  Information from Attorney, Don Blankenau, concerning a recent conflict of interest violation and fine.

IMP: Following the 2023 Robust review, which indicated that the CPNRD has successfully offset post-1997 depletions in the over-appropriated area, CPNRD is planning to send a letter to the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NDNR) indicating that joint determination requires updates to the second increment Integrated Management Plan (IMP). A draft letter to start the update process was provided to the Board.

Platte Republican Diversion: DNR will be holding a public hearing May 23, 2024. The hearing notice with all the details is attached.

Violation Report  Luke Zakrzewski, GIS Image Analyst, reported that 50 violation notices were issued in 2023 for irrigating uncertified land or land not approved for irrigation through a transfer. Of these, 39 have been resolved, and 11 are still in the process of resolving their violations.

Variance/Appeals Committee  The Board approved an appeal request for a variance from a Buffalo County landowner to transfer irrigated acres out of Groundwater Management Area 9 in the Central Platte NRD to the Lower Loup NRD.

CPNRD-Ron Bishop Memorial Scholarship Program  Madelyn Graham from Grand Island was awarded a $1,000 scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year. She is majoring in Environmental Science and Biology. The Board also approved changes to the scholarship program, extending the annual application deadline to June 15th and allowing applications from college sophomores through graduate students who are majoring in a natural resources-related field.

Cover Crop Cost Share Program  The Board approved an increase in cost-share for cover crops, providing 50% of the actual seed cost, with a maximum of $2,000. Cover crops are a beneficial tool for managing soil fertility, soil quality, water, weeds, pests, diseases, biodiversity, and wildlife in agroecosystems.

FY 2025 Budgets  The Programs Committee reviewed and referred the Cost Share and Information/Education budget requests to the Budget Committee. Both the Eastern Projects Committee and the Western Projects Committee reviewed their respective budget recommendations and also referred them to the Budget Committee.

Nebraska Natural Resources Commission (NNRC)  Mick Reynolds, Middle Platte Basin Representative, reported that the NNRC met on April 3rd.  Governor Pillen appointed Larry Mohrman as the Groundwater lrrigators representative and John Shadle as the Public Power representative. Tom Knutson, who represented Surface Water lrrigators, resigned from the Commission. Reynolds reported that the following project applications were received:

  • Twelve applications were received for review.
  • Four Large projects, requesting over $250,000, totaling $12 million.
  • Seven small projects, requesting $250,000 or less, totaling $816,000
  • One application was submitted for a combined sewer overflow separation project.
  • One project that was approved and partially funded last year with an unobligated balance of just over $1 million will be funded before funding any new projects this year.

Cost-Share  Six applications totaling $15,436 were approved through the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation and the Central Platte NRD sensor-based management of fertigation, grazing deferment, flow meter and well decommissioning cost-share programs.

Natural Resources Conservation Service Report  Janelle Taubenheim, Resources Conservationist, provided detailed cost share reports for EQIP, CSP and CRP for the Kearney field office. She also reported on NSWCP’s locally funded programs. Joe Krolikowski, NRCS District Conservationist, provided a factsheet on Conservation Compliance and NRCS practices available for control of ephemeral gully (concentrated flow) erosion. The conservation practices are based upon the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide and the appropriate practice standard and are selected with various cropping systems and crop residue management methods that are common to the areas in the CPNRD that are most susceptible to sheet and rill and ephemeral gully erosion.

Upcoming Board Meetings  May 23, June 27, July 25
Central Platte NRD’s Board of Directors meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. at the CPNRD office located at 215 Kaufman Ave in Grand Island.

Board By-Laws

Board Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month unless specified otherwise.
  2:00 p.m.
Location:  Central Platte NRD Office - 215 Kaufman Ave, Grand Island, NE 68803
The CPNRD board room will be available for public participation in the meeting. Social distancing guidelines encouraged.

Rogge General Contractors Selected to Build New Office & Education Center
Longitude 103 Amendment Approved for Water Management Software
Visit Kearney Urban Conservation Assistance Request Approved
Shellpeper Reports that CPNRD has met Post-1997 Management Goals
Shellpeper Reports that CPNRD has met Post-1997 Management Goals
JEO Update on Wood River Watershed WFPO
Ostermeier/Reichert Elected as Board Secretary/Treasurer
Board to Fill SubDistrict 8 Seat in Hall County
Rules & Regulations Approved
$30M New IRA Funds to Benefit Nebraska
EA Presents Cover Crop Study Results
EA Presents Cover Crop Study Impact Study Results
Board Sets Levy for 2024
2024 FY Budget Approved
2024 Draft Budget Approved for Public Hearing
Groundwater Management Plan Approved
Search Committee Selected for SubDistrict 8
Mike Wilkens of Gibbon Appointed to CPNRD Board
CPNRD to Move Forward with Bids for Proposed Ed/Office Building
Bendfeldt Steps Down from CPNRD
Amended Water Service Agreement Approved
Infrared Photography Approved for Water Quality
Public Information Meetings for Groundwater Management Plan
Urban Conservation Program Revisions Approved
Board Sets Levy for 2023 Budget
Board Approves 2023 FY Budget
Groundwater Levels Showing Decreases
Olsson Updates Board on Ground Water Management Plan Rewrite
Update on Flood Design Projects
Bell Reports on Health & Water Quality Research
NRD Crane Viewing Sites Ready for Spring Migration
Municipal Water Bank Approved by CPNRD Board
JEO Presents Flood Reduction Alternatives on Lower Wood River Watershed
NRD Board Approves Redistricting Modifications
Farnsworth Updates CPNRD Board on Platte River Program
JEO Presents Drought Mitigation Plan
CPNRD Board Sets Lower Property Tax Levy
Cover Crop Impact Study Shows Minimal Impact on Groundwater Availability
Zone Nitrate Reduced by 10% within CPNRD
Precision Conservation Management Specialist Position Approved
Flood Monitoring Agreement Approved
Central Platte NRD to Start Dam Rehabilitations
Downey Drilling Selected to Construct Monitoring Wells
New Officers & Directors on Central Platte NRD Board
Two Seats Open on CPNRD Board
Drainage & Acreage Reserve Programs Approved
Floodplain Maps Explained
JEO Selected to Develop Elm/Turkey Creek Environmental Assessment
CPNRD's 2021 Budget Levy Down
2021 Fiscal Budget Approved
Groundwater Levels Continue to Increase
FEMA Releases New Flood Maps in Central Platte NRD for parts of Hall County & Northwest Grand Island
CPNRD Selects College Scholarship Recipients
CPNRD Continues Funding for GeoCloud Project
Board Selects Fire Contractor
VanMatre & Ostermeier Elected CPNRD Secretary and Treasurer
Historic Groundwater Level Increases
58 Producers to Receive Cease & Desist Orders
Buyout Options in Flood-Prone Areas
Board Supports Platte Valley Industrial Park Request
2020 Budget Levy Down
NRD Receives Izaak Walton League Awards for Groundwater Festival
Spring Water Levels Increase Throughout CPNRD
Board Approves Plans for Public Hearings
Board Approves College Scholarships
Board Views Impacts of Flood Risk Reduction Projects
Flood Control Project Contract Approved
Bohn Appointed to Sub-District 4
Bendfeldt/Reynolds Board Chair & Vice-Chair
(Meeting Minutes Unavailable) -94 Producers to Receive Cease & Desist Orders
New Rules & Regs to Take Effect Nov. 1
Changes Made to Groundwater Management Rules & Regs
Lower Property Tax Request Set
Budget Reduced by $4.5 Million
Spring Groundwater Levels Show Increase
180-Day Temporary Stay- Effective Immediately
25,800 Acres Treated for Phragmites in CPNRD
CPNRD Buys 157 Acres for Groundwater Recharge
Board Approves Drought Mitigation Contract
Board Elects Secretary and Treasurer


The Central Platte NRD’s By-Laws were updated in March 2021.