
Board Action – December

December 6, 2024
Board of Directors Meeting
December 19, 2024
Central Platte NRD Office, 215 Kaufman Ave. Grand Island, NE 68803

Fall Groundwater Levels Report Presented at Central Platte NRD Board Meeting

GRAND ISLAND, NE – Luke Zakrzewski, GIS Image Analyst, reported on fall groundwater levels at the Central Platte Natural Resources District (CPNRD) Board of Directors meeting on Thursday. Zakrzewski said that of the 409 wells measured between spring and fall 2024, 244 wells recorded an average decline of 2.41 feet, while 165 wells showed an average increase of 1.27 feet. He explained that it is typical for groundwater levels to drop during the fall due to the annual drawdown from the irrigation season.

The yearly comparison of groundwater levels from fall 2023 to fall 2024 showed that 119 wells experienced an average decline of 1.13 feet, while 276 wells recorded an average increase of 1.72 feet. Zakrzewski noted that Groundwater Management Areas 9A (northern Buffalo County) and 13 (parts of Hall, Howard, and Merrick counties) continued to show declining levels. He said these areas could soon reach their maximum acceptable decline triggers.

As part of the CPNRD Groundwater Management Program, staff measures water levels in irrigation observation wells and dedicated monitoring wells annually, during the spring and fall. On average, 405 wells have been assessed annually since 2000. Fall readings are not used in groundwater management decisions.


Variance/Appeals Committee
The Board approved a request in Hall and Howard counties to transfer 83.37 irrigated acres from Central Platte NRD to Lower Loup NRD, pending approval from Lower Loup NRD’s Board of Directors.

Building Committee
The Building Committee recommended, and the Board approved, Change Order #003 to pave the remaining section from 13th Street to the new office and education building. The project will cover 2,050 feet in length and 24 feet in width, with a total cost of $432,522. The concrete paving is priced at $44 per yard.

Nominating Committee
The Board Officer Nominating Committee recommended Deb VanMatre for board chairman and Tom Downey for vice-chairman. Board officers can serve two terms of two years each. Current Chairman Mick Reynolds, Wood River, and Vice-Chairman Jerry Wiese, Grand Island, have served two terms. Wiese did not refile for the Board of Directors. The election will be held at the January 23rd Board of Directors meeting.

Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Board approved a proposal from JEO to update the District’s Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan at a cost not to exceed 25% of FEMA’s total grant award. FEMA has provided grants to CPNRD to develop and periodically update this Plan since 2008. The Plan aims to help counties, mitigate threats from natural disasters by identifying potential hazards, critical facilities, and recommended mitigation actions. Mitigation projects can include flood and drainage system improvements, backup generators for critical facilities, alert sirens and weather radios, tornado shelters/safe rooms, tree inventory programs, and projects to reduce electrical outages. The Plan is required to be updated every five years to maintain eligibility for FEMA emergency funds. Participation in the process is mandatory for counties, communities, and schools. The most recent update to the Hazard Mitigation Plan was approved by FEMA in 2022.

Manager’s Report
Lyndon Vogt, General Manager, reported on the following:

  • Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA) CPNRD has been allocated $76,491.79 to distribute to qualified participants under the NiRIA program. To date, 54 applications have been received, covering 6,862 acres from 8 individuals, with a total funding request of $85,555. There is a possibility of transferring unused funds from other areas to cover the shortfall if available.
  • UNL – Dr. Richard Ferguson UNL has published a new Neb Guide on nitrogen management and crop production this winter. Dr. Richard Ferguson, Professor of Soil Science, will give a presentation at the January board meeting and CPNRD’s Water Programs Update in February to review the new Nitrogen recommendations.
  • Cozad Ditch, Thirty Mile & South Side Irrigation Districts CPNRD received approval to proceed with two Bureau of Reclamation grants aimed at improving efficiency by adding additional Rubicon Gates to the three canals. Brandi Flyr, hydrologist, is coordinating with the canal operators and Rubicon to place the gate orders. The gates are currently on backorder, with an estimated wait time of 22 to 26 weeks.

Voting Delegates
The board elected Deb VanMatre as voting delegate and Jay Richeson as alternate for the Nebraska Association of Resources District’s Legislative Conference to be held in January at the Embassy Suites in Lincoln, NE.

Natural Resources Conservation Service Report
Joe Krolikowski, District Conservationist, reported that 2024 marked a record-setting year for conservation projects across the United States. Through funding provided by the USDA NRCS under the Inflation Reduction Act, support was extended to 23,000 landowners, covering 11 million acres of land.

Nebraska Natural Resources Commission
Mick Reynolds, Middle Platte Basin Representative, requested that Board members attend the Commission caucus on January 13, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. to fill the Middle Platte Basin Representative seat. The caucus will be held at the Central Platte NRD office in Grand Island. Reynolds, who has served on the Commission since 2013, has decided not to seek re-election for the position that is shared with the Twin Platte NRD.

The Board approved 14 applications for underground pipeline to pivot, center pivot incentive, sensor-based management of fertigation, burn preparation, tree planting, and well decommissioning through the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation and Central Platte NRD cost-share programs totaling $42,983.75.

Financial Report
The Board approved the November financial report. The December financial report will be considered in January.

Service Recognition Awards
The following awards were presented before the Board meeting:

  • 40 years: Tom Backer, Projects Assistant
  • 25 years: Marcia Lee, Information/Education Specialist
  • 20 years: David Carr, Range Management Specialist
  • Outgoing Board Member- 24 Years: Jerry Wiese, Grand Island, Subdistrict 7

Upcoming Board Meetings 

January 23, February 20, March 27.  Central Platte NRD’s Board of Directors meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. at the CPNRD office at 215 Kaufman Ave in Grand Island.